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Your Community Library - What We Offer

Books and magazines of all kinds: hard back, paperback, large print, audio and digital Electronic Resources

Music CDs and DVDs, movie, program and documentary DVDs;

Apple MAC and Microsoft PC computers; Internet/WiFi, soundproof POD for virtual meetings,

printing and copying services, private cubicles, community meeting room with projection capabilities

iPods, telescopes, microscopes, baking pans, museum passes, and puzzles - lots of puzzles!

Adult, youth and children's programs and offerings

Special Community Events

Art exhibitions - and so much more!

VGPL Current Events

Note: Library Meeting Room closed for remodeling March 25-26. 


Santa Fe County issues Scam Alert - County Warns of Scammers Targeting Residents with Zoning Requests. For details, please refer to the attached bulletin​​


​The Future of Water Supply in Eldorado, Santa Fe, and Northern New Mexico: Panel discussion.

Saturday, March 29, 1–2 pm


Art Reception: April 5, 1 - 3 pm.


Family Movie Night: Friday, April 11, 6:30 pm. Moana 2


Save the Date - Spring Book Sale! May 8-10, 2025. Volunteers needed for setup/tear down, sorting, sales, and cashiering. To volunteer, please contact Kris Sefton at


Toddler Story Time: Thursdays, 10:30 am. (No story time on April 3)


Wags and Words: Read to a therapy dog.  Please call to schedule an appointment. Click here for more info.


​Book Donations: Now accepting appointments for donating like-new books and CD/DVDs (English or Spanish only, excellent condition). Please contact the Library Director to make your appointment. 


Early Literacy Calendars: Care givers of young children can use these monthly calendars to get tips on raising a successful reader. See the Children's Programs page. ​​



Volunteers Needed, Donations Accepted!

As a Nonprofit 501c3, VGPL is an independent library with 40+ volunteers contributing 5,000+ hours annually in support of circulation, cataloging, inventory management, fundraisers, and various patron programs for all ages. Volunteers are always needed! And while approximately 40% of the library's facility and financial support is provided by Santa Fe County, the New Mexico State Library Association, and grants, the remaining 60% of our annual operating budget depends upon the community's generous donations through our Annual Appeals, legacy gifts, contributions to our Invested Funds, various fundraisers, book and audio/visual collection donations. Your donations support daily operations, library programs, collections, and special events and ensure our future. For more information on how you can make a difference, please visit our "Support Us" page, or donate financially one time or monthly through PayPal using the following links. 


  • Follow VGPL on Instagram
  • VGPL Facebook Page

Library Electronic Resources:

Did you know our Library Catalogs include numerous Electronic Resources? Select our Library catalog menu above and choose from:

  • Libby - New Mexico's Library To-Go option for digital books and audio recordings

  • El Portal - a database collection of newspapers, journal articles, magazines and reference materials

  • Project Gutenberg - free collection of over 30,000 eBooks

  • LibriVox - public domain literature recordings 

  • Geni - genealogy database (GeniPro in library only)

  • Learning Express - use to review skills and prepare for tests

For additional information, refer to our Digital Resources page. 


Monthly Board Meeting: â€‹

The next monthly Board Meeting is April 21, 2025 at 5:30pm. Open to the public, click here for the monthly meeting agenda when available.  â€‹


For additional information, contact Jody Price at

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